Why Does My Rabbit Chase Me? Most Common Reasons

Has your furry friend been acting a little feisty lately? If your rabbit has started chasing you around the house, you may be wondering why this odd behavior has emerged. Rest assured, there are some common reasons behind rabbits chasing their owners, and with a little understanding, you can get to the bottom of it. This article will help bunny owners decode this confusing behavior so you can restore harmony to your home. We’ll explore the main causes, from establishing dominance to getting your attention, and provide actionable tips to curb unwanted chasing. With some patience and consistency, you can get Thumper to stop thumping after you and redirect that energy into more positive activities. By the end, you’ll be hopping with happiness again as you rebuild that special bond with your bun.

So, Why Does My Rabbit Chase Me?


Your rabbit’s chasing likely stems from their natural instinct to play. In the wild, rabbits chase each other as a way to establish rank, practice evasion techniques, and burn energy. This frisky behavior often starts young, around 2-3 months old. Your bun is simply bringing those innate habits into your home. While play comes naturally to rabbits, chasing their owners can be unwanted and even scary. Establish boundaries by redirecting their energy into more positive activities. Try playing chase with approved toys instead or create DIY mazes to occupy their desire to run and pounce. With consistency, you can curb the chasing while still encouraging healthy playtime.

Chasing you is your rabbit’s way of soliciting playtime and interaction. Rabbits are highly social and energetic creatures that thrive on activity and bonding. Yours may dash after you as an invitation to engage in a fun game of cat and mouse. It’s their way of saying “Notice me! Let’s hang out and burn some energy together!” Curb unwanted chasing by initiating play sessions on your terms. Try at least one or two 30-60 minute playtimes daily. Engage their minds and bodies with toys, boxes, tunnels and treats. A tired bunny is a happy bunny.

Your rabbit’s chasing likely comes from sheer excitement and joy when they see you. To your bunny, you’re their best friend and favorite playmate. They get so enthusiastic upon your arrival or when you walk by that chasing you is their natural reaction. It’s their exuberant way of saying “Hooray, you’re home! Let’s play!” Avoid scolding them as this will only lead to confusion. Instead, channel that energy by engaging in a quick play session when they start up. Then guide them to calmer activities like petting or foraging.


Chasing after you is your rabbit’s way of seeking your love and attention. Rabbits form deep bonds with their owners and chasing is motivated by their desire for affection. When you walk away, they simply want more one-on-one time, so they hop after you. Try not to interpret this as something negative. It’s a compliment that they enjoy your company so much. Curb chasing requests by showing love through pats, cuddles and positive verbal reinforcement. Set boundaries, but ensure they still get plenty of quality time with you.

Your rabbit’s chasing springs from feeling insecure or anxious when you leave the room. In the wild, rabbits rely on partners for safety and reassurance. Yours associates your presence with total comfort. When you walk away, it triggers separation anxiety and the instinct to follow. Ease their worries through routines, toys with your scent and baby gates for limited access. Increase confidence with handling and consider adopting a bonded partner.

Chasing you is your rabbit’s way of preventing the loss of an attachment figure. Rabbits form deep social bonds and your bunny sees you as their mate for life. Having you leave their sight makes them understandably distressed. With patience and care, you can help them become more independent. Limit access to one or two rooms and provide hideaways and toys for security. Consider adopting a partner to reduce dependence on you.



Your rabbit’s chasing likely stems from boredom and understimulation. Rabbits are highly intelligent, playful animals that need ample activity. Without sufficient exercise and mental enrichment, they act out through unwanted behaviors like chasing. Prevent boredom chasing by providing a stimulating home environment. Fill their space with tunnels, chews, puzzle feeders and DIY toys. Schedule at least 3-4 hours of daily exercise through playtimes, foraging and supervised free-roaming. A busy bunny is a well-behaved bunny.

Chasing after you is a clear sign your rabbit is bored and looking for entertainment. In the wild, rabbits spend hours every day foraging, playing and interacting. Yours is bringing that energetic nature into your home. Lack of activity leads to nepotism behaviors like chasing you around the house. Curb boredom by enriching their habitat with tunnels, chews and puzzle toys. Schedule daily exercise and play sessions to engage their minds and bodies. An engaged, active rabbit will be too busy playing to chase after you.


Your rabbit may chase you to establish territory and dominance. Rabbits are highly territorial by nature. Yours sees your home as their kingdom and wants to assert authority. Running after you reinforces their top rank and control. Curb territorial chasing by neutering/spaying, establishing set spaces and proofing cords/furniture. With fixed boundaries, your bunny will feel more secure.

Chasing is your rabbit’s misguided attempt to protect their space from an “intruder.” In the wild, rabbits are constantly on guard against threats to their territory. Yours associates chasing you away with defending their home base. Ease territorial behavior through routine, handling and proofing unsafe areas. With time, they’ll see you as an ally, not an invader. Reinforce good behavior with praise and treats.


Your rabbit may chase you when it’s mealtime. Rabbits can be creatures of habit and learn to associate you with feeding. Hearing the rustle of their food bag or seeing you prep their greens triggers excitement and chasing to speed up the process. Avoid unpredictability by keeping a routine schedule. Feed breakfast, lunch and dinner at consistent times. Curb hangry chasing by also leaving a timothy hay feeder available at all times to graze.

If your rabbit chases you around dinnertime, it likely stems from impatience over their next meal. Rabbits associate humans with providing food. Come suppertime, your bunny gets antsy waiting for their greens or pellets. Ease hangry chasing by sticking to a predictable feeding schedule so they know when to expect meals. Make sure they always have access to timothy hay. The fiber will keep hunger at bay between feedings.

Do Rabbits Like To Be Chased?

Contrary to what some believe, rabbits generally do not enjoy being chased by humans. In the wild, only predators chase rabbits, so having a human run after them can cause extreme stress, fear, and defensive aggression. Rabbits are prey animals programmed to flee potential threats. Being pursued triggers their fight-or-flight response, raising their heart rate, blood pressure and anxiety levels even if you mean no harm. While you may think it’s a fun game of tag, your rabbit perceives it as a terrifying hunt. Never intentionally chase your bunny even if they’ve chased you first. It can damage the bond between rabbit and owner.

While chasing does come naturally to rabbits through play and establishing rank, they do not appreciate humans turning the tables. To a rabbit, having their trusted owner suddenly run after them seems like a major betrayal and violation of trust. The confusion and stress can cause lasting damage to your relationship. Instead, focus on positive interactions through petting, treats and respecting their safe spaces. With time and consistency proving you’re a source of comfort, not fear, your rabbit will be more inclined to reciprocate with affectionate behaviors rather than chasing.


Signs Your Rabbit Is Attached To You

Your rabbit displaying affectionate behaviors like licking and nuzzling you shows they are forming an attachment. Rabbits groom trusted companions, so licks and nudges signify you’re part of their inner circle. Additionally, resting or sleeping beside you displays total comfort and contentment in your presence. A rabbit who seeks you out for pets and treats enjoys your company and bonds with you. Playing gentle chasing games of their own accord also indicates they see you as a playmate, not a threat.

An attached rabbit will be eager to spend time with or nearby their favorite human. Whether relaxing by your feet as you work or coming over for attention when you call their name, they actively seek out your companionship. Territorial behavior like chinning you or furniture marks you as part of their clan. A rabbit who enjoys being petted and held has come to see handling time as special bonding time. Overall, an attached rabbit will happily interact versus hiding away when you’re around.

Difference Between Play Chasing And Fight Chasing

Play chasing in rabbits involves short spurts of light running and pouncing without direct contact. Your rabbit may playfully dash after feet or clothing before hopping away. Play chasing is silent and they will stop if you go motionless or make a sound. Their body language stays loose and open with erect ears. It’s their way of soliciting fun and interaction from you.

Aggressive chasing involves relentless pursuit with biting lunges making direct contact. An angry rabbit will grunt, growl or scream while chasing. Their body looks tense with territorial intent versus playful frolicking. True chase fighting may include biting your ankles or feet. This occurs if they feel threatened by your presence in their space.

The main difference lies in your rabbit’s body language. Play behavior exhibits bouncy running with frequent stopping and starting. Their overall posture stays open and inviting. Aggressive chasing shows rigid focus on your feet or ankles with clear intent to attack once caught. If you observe tense muscles, flattened ears and signs of fear or stress, the chasing has crossed from play into fight mode and intervention is needed.


If your rabbit has started chasing you, don’t despair. With some detective work, you can likely find the source of this peculiar behavior. Oftentimes it stems from innocent motivations like play, affection or communication cues. Other times it may result from boredom, territorialism or even hunger pangs. Whatever the cause, consistency and training can curb unwanted chasing while still showing your bunny love.

Remember that rabbits experience emotions and bonds differently than humans. Be patient and avoid scolding as you get to the root of chasing triggers. With care and understanding, you can restore balance to your relationship. Soon your home will be a harmony of happy humans and rabbits again.

About The Author

Ashley Cruz is an accomplished veterinarian and an ardent pet lover. Her rich professional background and personal love for animals blend beautifully in her informative articles. She brings a deep understanding of animal health and well-being to her writing, ensuring that readers get reliable and practical advice.

With her experience in veterinary medicine and passion for pet care, Ashley crafts articles that are both engaging and educational. Her work serves as a comprehensive guide, offering invaluable insights to pet owners navigating the complexities of animal health and wellness. Through her writings, Ashley aims to enhance the joyful journey of pet ownership.